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Trip Reports

Winter Steelhead Season

I spent February, March and April chasing Steelhead on the Olympic Peninsula rivers.  These are amazingly beautiful fish to spend winter hours chasing.  If you are interested in a trip chasing the "fish of a thousand casts", book with me for next winter Steelhead Season.  I suggest booking several days at a time, as we may need to adjust rivers and locations due to unpredictable weather during this prime season for big fish!  While the fish were not prolific, the ones we did catch were BIG.  Nothing like swinging for a Steelhead and getting a grab to warm you right up!

Sea Run Cutthoroat and Resident Coho

This year round fishery on both the Hood Canal and Puget Sound has been especially good this winter.  As we enter spring and summer, our techniques, flies and locations may shift, but catching these beauties remains a wonderful experience from the beach!  

This Summer!

I have several rivers I'll be guiding on...including the Blue Ribbon Trout Stream jewel, the Yakima river.  I'm offering full day drift trips.  I am also guiding the Cowlitz, in Lewis County, about  an hour south of Olympia. Both rivers offer really great fisheries, really fun nymphing and dry fly fishing on both for Rainbow Trout.  The Cowlitz has springers, Coho, Cutthroat and Steelhead.  I'm really looking forward to this summer's fishing!

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